qmlrs - qmlrs allows the use of QML/QtQuick code from Rust.qmetaobject-rs - A framework empowering everyone to create Qt/QML applications with Rust.go-qt - Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS.PyOtherSide - A Qt 5 QML Plugin that provides access to a Python 3 interpreter from QML.It also includes complete toolchain for rapidly generating bindings for any Qt-based C++ class hierarchies. PySide - The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt.PyQt - PyQt is a set of Python v2 and v3 bindings for Qt and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux.qt5.cr - Bindings to Crystal via Bindgen.
NET types into JavaScript with full interoperability. Qml.Net - Qml.Net is cross-platform integration of Qml/QtQuick for.Language Bindings - List of language bindings, maintained on Wikipedia.Language Bindings - List of available bindings, maintained in the Qt Wiki.quickpromise - Quick Promise - QML Promise Library.asyncfuture - AsyncFuture - Use QFuture like a Promise object.QuickStreams - An asynchronous programming library for the QML programming language ( source).CuteContacts-iOS - Qt/QML-based clone of iOS7 contacts application UI.quickios - QML Theme and Component Library for iOS.QtAndroidTools - QtAndroidTools is a library that allows to simplify access to some native Android features from QML.qmlcontactlist - The easy way to extend contacts from android to qml.QtVlcMediaPlayer - LibVLC integrated Qt QML MediaPlayer for Android.quickandroid - QML Theme and Component Library for Android.androidnative.pri - Calling Android functions from Qt without using JNI.Pull requests of new projects/apps/libraries are welcome :) Inspired by awesome-cpp and other awesome lists. A curated list of awesome Qt and QML libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things.